Topics for PhD students and young researchers

Radon in mofettes

Supervisor Dr. István Csige
Nature of topic PhD topic
Institution Debreceni Egyetem
Faculty TTK (Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar)
PhD school Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola

Investigation of surface nanostructures by scanning probe microscope

Supervisor Dr. Viktor Takáts
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Quantum phenomena: Induced atomic motions in thin films and surface 2D layers

Supervisor Dr. Kálmán Vad
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Investigation of nuclear structure by semimicroscopic and ab initio methods based on symmetry

Supervisor Dr. József Cseh
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Analytical technics in heritage science

Supervisor Dr. Zita Szikszai
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Testing custom-made ligandums and affibodies with manganese radioisotope for MiniPET application

Supervisor Dr. Zoltán Szűcs
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Multidisciplinary approach in heritage science

Supervisor Dr. Zita Szikszai
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Introducing of recent water dating methods. Sampling and preparation for 39Ar, 85Kr and 81Kr dating of waters

Supervisor Dr. László Palcsu
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Investigation of urban particulate matter pollution by microanalytical methods

Supervisor Dr. Zsófia Kertész
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist

Investigation of atmospheric particulate matter with ion-beam analytical techniques

Supervisor Dr. Zsófia Kertész
Nature of topic Topic for young scientist
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