Atomi-rétegépítő berendezés_EN
Category |
Instrument |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki - Debreceni Egyetem |
Szárazdesztillációs izotópszeparátor
Category |
Instrument |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
Category |
Accelerator |
Type |
MGC-20 |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
ATOMKI operates the major particle accelerator in Hungary. The MGC-20 cyclotron has been delivering accelerated particle beams for both basic and applied research, medical and industrial applications as well since the end of 1985. The cyclotron can accelerate particle beams from proton to alpha with variable energies and in a broad intensity range. Using its sophisticated external beam transport system equipped with advanced beam diagnostics and instrumentation, it can be flexibly adapted to the diverse requirements of different research and application projects, making it a real multidisciplinary research tool.
Secondary neutral-particle/ion mass spectrometer (SNMS/SIMS)
Category |
Measuring system |
Type |
Spect |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki - Debreceni Egyetem |
The SNMS/SIMS-XPS assembly contains a secondary neutral mass spectrometer, a secondary ion mass spectrometer and an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) with a common vacuum system. This arrangement enables the analysis of samples in ultra-high vacuum to be carried out without opening the vacuum chamber during the sample transfer. While mass spectrometry measurements can be performed in the SNMS/SIMS part of the system, the chemical state of elements can be determined in the XPS part. A complete quantitative surface analysis can be performed with high depth resolution (~1 nm) or high lateral distribution. n
Spect photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)
Category |
Measuring system |
Type |
Spect |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki - Debreceni Egyetem |
The Spect photoelectron spectrometer is a recently commissioned equipment at Atomki, which is equiped to the SNMS/SIMS mass spectrometer in a common vacuum system. This arrangement enables the analysis of solid-state samples in ultra-high vacuum carrying without opening the vacuum chamber. While mass spectrometry measurements can be performed in the SNMS/SIMS part of the system, the chemical state of elements can be determined in the XPS part. A complete quantitative surface analysis can be performed with high depth resolution (~1 nm) or high lateral distribution.
FTIR spektrométer
Category |
Measuring device |
Type |
Bruker |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
Fourier-transzformációs infravörös spektrométer (FTIR)
Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source
Category |
Accelerator |
Type |
14 GHz, manufactured by Atomki |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
The only Hungarian Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source (ECRIS) is operated at Atomki. As a member of the Atomki Particle Accelerator Centre, ECRIS provides plasma and ion beams as a stand-alone low-energy accelerator.
Main fields of activities:
- fundamental research (astrochemistry, atomic physics, plasma physics) and
- some applications (surface physics, medical implants).
Category |
Accelerator |
Type |
2.0 MV Medium-Current Plus Tandetron Accelerator System |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
- Proton energy: 200 keV - 4 MeV, current: up to 200 eµA, brightness: 8-16 Amp(rad)-2m-2eV-1
- Helium energy: 200 keV - 6 MeV, current: up to 40 eµA
- Other ions: e.g. B, C, O, S, Si, Cu etc. energy: 200 keV ~ 10 MeV (depending on charge state), current: up to 10-50 eµA (depending on ion species)
- Terminal voltage stability: ± 30 V / 4 hrs (slits stabilization)
- Terminal voltage ripple: 25 VRMS
Thermo Finnigan Delta plus XP típusú stabilizotóp-arány mérő tömegspektrométer
Category |
Measuring device |
Type |
Thermo Finnigan Delta plus XP |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
Ha egy kémiai, biológiai, vagy fizikai folyamatban részt vevő elem izotópjainak aránya a folyamat során az egyes komponensekben vagy fázisokban megváltozik, izotópfrakcionálódásról beszélünk. Az izotóparányok változása fontos információkat szolgáltat a lejátszódó folyamatokról. A természetben előforduló izotópfrakcionálódási folyamatok során az izotóparány általában csak igen kis mértékben változik meg, ezért ezek nyomon követéséhez nagyérzékenységű berendezésekre van szükség. A Környezetanalitikai Laboratóriumban elsősorban a földtani és hidrológiai kutatások igényeinek kielégítése érdekében egy Thermo Finnigan gyártmányú Delta plus XP típusú stabilizotóp-arány mérő tömegspektrométert üzemeltetünk, amellyel a geokémiában legnagyobb jelentőségű öt elem (S, C, H, O, N) izotópjainak arányát a pontossági igényeknek megfelelően automatizáltan, számítógép vezérelten tudjuk mérni.
Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
Category |
Measuring system |
Type |
MAP-215 type noble gas mass spectrometer |
Organizational unit |
Person in charge |
Üzembentartó |
Atomki |
The MAP-215 type noble gas mass spectrometer is a Nier-type, high sensitivity, low volume system developed for the analysis of all noble gases (He, Ne. Ar, Kr and Xe). The mass spectrometer is equipped with a Faraday-cup and an electron multiplier for detecting low amounts of gas. Degassing of the samples can be carried out in different temeparture steps from 20 to 2000°C. Cleaning of the noble gases from the dirty gases (e.g. H2O, CO, CO2, hydrocarbons) is made by non- evaporable getters.
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