PhD events


B IHARI Á RPÁD fizikai tudományokban PhD doktorjelölt

Doktori szigorlat

Szigorlatot tevő Bihari Árpád
Egyetem, doktori iskola
Time 2017-09-27 14:00:00
Place MTA Atomki, tanácsterem (Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c, I. épület alagsora)

Determination of nuclear reaction cross sections and its application in deuteron induced reactions for analytical purposes

Doktori védés

Lecturer CSEDREKI László
Egyetem, doktori iskola University of Debrecen, PhD School in Physics
Time 2015-04-30 14:30:00
Place MTA Atomki, Lecture Hall (Debrecen, Bem square 18/c, XII. building 3. floor)

Exact results regarding many-body systems

Doktori védés

Lecturer TRENCSÉNYI Réka Eszter
Egyetem, doktori iskola University of Debrecen, PhD School in Physics
Time 2015-04-15 11:00:00
Place MTA Atomki, Lecture Hall (Debrecen, Bem square 18/c, XII. building 3. floor)

Study of nuclear chirality in mass regions A~130 and A~100

Doktori védés

Lecturer KUTI István
Egyetem, doktori iskola University of Debrecen, PhD School in Physics
Time 2015-04-01 13:00:00
Place MTA Atomki, Lecture Hall (Debrecen, Bem square 18/c, XII. building 3. floor)
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