Dr. István Rajta

Degree PhD
Tudományos besorolás Scientific advisor
Organizational job Researcher
Telephely 4026 Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c
Office IX/109
Phone +36 52 509 240
Extension 11416
Organizational unit
Status  Aktív
Research topic
Other information


Hungarian Doctoral Council 


Selected publications

  1. F. Watt, J.A. van Kan, I. Rajta, A.A. Bettiol, T.F. Choo, M.B.H. Breese, T. Osipowicz:
    The National University of Singapore high energy ion nano-probe facility: Performance tests
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B210 (2003) 14-20
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(03)01003-6
  2. O. Romanenko, V. Havranek, A. Mackova, M. Davidkova, M. Cutroneo, A.G. Ponomarev, G.U.L. Nagy, J. Stammers, I. Rajta: 
    Performance and application of heavy ion nuclear microbeam facility at the Nuclear Physics Institute in Řež, Czech Republic
    Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (2019) 013701
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5070121

  3. I. Rajta, I. Vajda, Gy. Gyürky, L. Csedreki, Á.Z. Kiss, S. Biri, H.A.P. van  Oosterhout, N.C. Podaru, D.J.W. Mous:
    Accelerator characterization of the new ion beam facility at MTA Atomki in Debrecen, Hungary
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A880 (2018) 125-130
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.10.073

  4. I. Rajta, G.U.L. Nagy, I. Vajda, S.Z. Szilasi, G.W. Grime, F. Watt:
    First resolution test results of the Atomki nuclear nanoprobe
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B449 (2019) 94-98
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2019.03.056

  5. I. Uzonyi, I. Rajta, L. Bartha, Á.Z. Kiss, A.Nagy:
    Realization of the simultaneous micro-PIXE analysis of heavy and light elements at a nuclear microprobe
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B181 (2001) 193-198
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(01)00370-6

  6. G.Á. Sziki, I. Uzonyi, E. Dobos, I. Rajta, K.T. Biró, S. Nagy, Á.Z. Kiss:
    A new micro-DIGE set-up for the analysis of light elements
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 219-220 (2004) 508-513
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2004.01.112

  7. U. Wätjen, I. Bársony, G.W. Grime, I. Rajta:
    On the interpretation of micro-PIXE measurements on a prototype microstructured reference material
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B150 (1999) 532-537
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(98)01073-8

  8. I. Rajta, G.A.B. Gál, S.Z. Szilasi, Z. Juhász, S. Biri, M. Mátéfi-Tempfli, S. Mátéfi-Tempfli: 
    Nanochannel alignment analysis by scanning transmission ion microscopy
    Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 295704
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/21/29/295704

  9. G.A.B. Gál, I. Rajta, S.Z. Szilasi, Z. Juhász, S. Biri, Cs. Cserháti, A. Csik, B. Sulik:
    Scanning transmission ion microscopy of polycarbonate nanocapillaries
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B269 (2011) 2322-2325
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2011.02.024

  10. A.A. Bettiol, I. Rajta, E.J. Teo, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt:
    Proton beam micromachining: electron emission from SU-8 resist during ion beam irradiation
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B190 (2002) 154-159
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(01)01276-9

  11. J.A. van Kan, I. Rajta, K. Ansari, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt:
    Nickel and copper electroplating of proton beam micromachined SU-8 resist
    Microsystem Technologies 8 (2002) 383-386
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-001-0139-5

  12. F. Watt, I. Rajta, J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, T. Osipowicz:
    Proton beam micromachined resolution standards for nuclear microprobes
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B190 (2002) 306-311
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(01)01288-5

  13. I. Rajta, I. Gómez-Morilla, M.H. Abraham, Á.Z. Kiss:
    Proton beam micromachining on PMMA, Foturan and CR-39 materials
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B210 (2003) 260-265
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(03)01025-5

  14. I. Rajta, E. Baradács, A.A. Bettiol, I. Csige, K. Tőkési, L. Budai, Á.Z. Kiss:
    Optimization of particle fluence in micromachining of CR-39
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B231 (2005) 384-388
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.087

  15. E. Baradács, I. Csige, I. Rajta:
    CO2 treatment and vacuum effects in proton beam micromachining of PADC
    Radiation Measurements 43 (2008) 1354-1356
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2008.02.007

  16. T.C. Sum, A.A. Bettiol, H.L. Seng, I. Rajta, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt:
    Proton beam writing of passive waveguides in PMMA
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B210 (2003) 266-271
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-583X(03)01028-0

  17. I. Rajta, S.Z. Szilasi, J. Budai, Z. Tóth, P. Petrik, E. Baradács:
    Refractive index depth profile in PMMA due to proton irradiation
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B260 (2007) 400-404
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2007.02.052

  18. S.Z. Szilasi, J. Budai, Z. Pápa, R. Huszánk, Z. Tóth, I. Rajta:
    Refractive index depth profile and its relaxation in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) due to proton irradiation
    Materials Chemistry and Physics 131 (2011) 370-374
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2011.09.058

  19. S.Z. Szilasi, J. Kokavecz, R. Huszánk, I. Rajta:
    Compaction of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) due to proton beam irradiation
    Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 4612-4615
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.12.095

  20. S.Z. Szilasi, N. Hegman, A. Csik, I. Rajta:
    Creation of convex microlenses in PDMS with focused MeV ion beam,
    Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 2885-2888
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2011.03.007

  21. G.U.L. Nagy, V. Lavrentiev, I. Bányász, S.Z. Szilasi, V. Havranek, V. Vosecek, R. Huszánk, I. Rajta:
    Compaction of polydimethyl-siloxane due to nitrogen ion irradiation and its application for creating microlens arrays
    Thin Solid Films 636 (2017) 634-638
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2017.07.015

  22. I. Rajta, S.Z. Szilasi, P. Fürjes, Z. Fekete, Cs. Dücső:
    Si micro-turbine by proton beam writing and porous silicon micromachining
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B267 (2009) 2292-2295
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2009.03.087

  23. I. Rajta, R. Huszánk, A.T.T. Szabó, G.U.L. Nagy, S.Z. Szilasi, P. Fürjes, E. Holczer, Z. Fekete, G. Járvás, M. Szigeti, L. Hajba, J. Bodnár, A. Guttman:
    Tilted pillar array fabrication by the combination of proton beam writing and soft lithography for microfluidic cell capture: Part 1 Design and feasibility
    Electrophoresis 37 (2016) 498-503
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201500254

  24. G. Járvás, T. Varga, M. Szigeti, L. Hajba, P. Fürjes, I. Rajta, A. Guttman:
    Tilted pillar array fabrication by the combination of proton beam writing and soft lithography for microfluidic cell capture Part 2: Image sequence analysis based evaluation and biological application
    Electrophoresis 39 (2018) 537-539
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201700268

  25. I. Rajta, I. Borbély-Kiss, Gy. Mórik, L. Bartha, E. Koltay, Á.Z. Kiss:
    The new Atomki scanning proton microprobe
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B109 (1996) 148-153
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-583X(95)00897-7

  26. I. Bányász, E. Szilágyi, I. Rajta, G.U.L. Nagy, S. Pelli, G. Nunzi Conti, S. Berneschi, V. Havránek, V. Voseček, N. Nagy, Z. Szabó, M. Veres, A. Speghini:
    Fabrication of low loss channel waveguide in tungsten-tellurite glass by 11 MeV carbon ion microbeam for telecom C band
    Optical Materials X 4 (2019) 100035
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omx.2019.100035

  27. S.Z. Szilasi, R. Huszánk, A. Csik, Cs. Cserháti, I. Rajta:
    PDMS patterning by proton beam
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B267 (2009) 2296-2298
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2009.03.038

  28. R. Huszánk, S.Z. Szilasi, I. Rajta, A. Csik:
    Fabrication of optical devices in poly(dimethylsiloxane) by proton microbeam
    Optics Communications 283 (2010) 176-180
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2009.09.066

  29. R. Huszank, I. Rajta, Cs. Cserháti:
    Proton beam lithography in negative tone liquid phase PDMS polymer resist
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B348 (2015) 213-217
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2014.12.053