Light-matter interaction

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Research area Fundamental research in atomic physics
Participants in the research work

The research program is to investigate the ionization process at laser, VUV (Vacuum UltraViolet) and X-ray photons impact with a new method of 3D photoelectron spectroscopy. The energy and angular distribution of electrons ejected from photon – atom/molecule collisions are measured with the ESA-22-3D high energy resolution electron spectrometer.


The research program is to investigate the ionization process at laser, VUV (Vacuum UltraViolet) and X-ray photons impact with a new method of 3D photoelectron spectroscopy. The energy and angular distribution of electrons ejected from photon – atom/molecule collisions are measured with the ESA-22-3D high energy resolution electron spectrometer developed in our institute.


The analyzer is capable to measure the angular distribution of electrons in the 0o – 360o angular range, simultaneously. Furthermore, rotating the analyzer with the vacuum chamber around the polarized photon beam, the total angular distribution in the 4π angular range can also be determined. Comparing the measured data with the result of the theoretical calculations helps us to understand better the interaction between the atomic electrons e.g. electron correlations, resonant excitations, etc.


In the last 20 years we carried out measurements at large synchrotron facilities in Lund (Sweden), Hamburg and Berlin (Germany). Recently we have a monochromatic VUV source for the investigation of the ionization process in the 8 – 41 eV photon energy range. We plan to install our electronspectrometer at the beamline of the high intensity laser facility which is under construction in Szeged (ELI-ALPS), in order to carry out a systematic study of single photon ionization close to threshold, and an explorative study of multiphoton ionization of the same systems at the same photoelectron energies.