MONT award for life-work to prof. Lajos Trón

Esemény megnevezése MONT award for life-work to prof. Lajos Trón
Awarded TRÓN Lajos
Award MONT award for life-work
Díjazó George de Hevesy Hungarian Society of Nuclear Medicine
Átadás 2016-04-16 10:00
Átadás helyszíne MTA Székház, Felolvasóterem (1051 Budapest, Széchenyi tér 9.)
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Prof. Lajos Trón was given MONT award for life-work by the Hungarian Society of Nuclear Medicine (Magyar Orvostudományi Nukleáris Társaság - MONT) at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The professor changed his field of research three times: he started with nuclear physics, continued with cell biophysics and then he became an acknowledged expert of medical imaging, more exactly of nuclear medicine in Hungary.

It was a chain of accidental events which made him a pioneer and the most effective person of nuclear medical research in Hungary, in spite he finished the university as a physicist. He and his colleagues established the first PET Center in Hungary, namely in the Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Atomki) in Debrecen. This action ensured that his name have been written into the history of medical science in Hungary.


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