Authors | Cserháti Cs., Langer G. A., Parditka B., Csik A., Yusuke Iguchi., Iguchi Y., Czigány Zs., Erdélyi Z. |
Megjelenés helye | Diffusion Fundamentals 30 (2017) 1 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Khaydukov Yu. N., Vasenko A. S., Kravtsov E. A., Progliado V. V., Zhaketov V. D., Csik A., Nikitenko Yu. V., Petrenko A. V., Keller T., Golubov A. A., Kupriyanov M. Yu., Ustinov V. V., Aksenov V. L., Keimer B. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Physical Review B 97 (2018) 4511 |
Impact factor | 3.8132017 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Péter L., Vad K., Csik A., Muniz R., Lobo L., Pereiro R., Sturm S., Zuzek Rozman K., Molnár Gy., Németh K., Neuróhr K., Boros K., Pogány L., Bakonyi I. |
Megjelenés helye | Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering 8 (2018) 49 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Takáts V., Csik A., Hakl J., Vad K. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Surface Science 440 (2018) 275 |
Impact factor | 4.4392017 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Cserháti Cs., Parditka B., Tomán J., Csik A., Erdélyi Z. |
Megjelenés helye | Fizikai Szemle 68 (2018) 45 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Kalaivanan Thirupathi., Bárczy P., Vad K., Csik A., Somosvári B. M. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Surface Science 441 (2018) 1043 |
Impact factor | 4.4392017 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Gyürky Gy., Csik A., Mátyus Zs., Fülöp Zs., Halász Z., Kiss G. G., Szücs T., Wagner L. |
Megjelenés helye | EPJ (European Physical Journal) Web of Conferences 165 (2017) 1027 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Kondrat O., Holomb R., Csik A., Takáts V., Veres M., Veres M., Mitsa V. |
Megjelenés helye | Uzhgorod University Scientific Herald 40 (2016) 54 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Kondrat O., Holomb R., Csik A., Takáts V., Veres M., Tsud N., Mitsa V. |
Megjelenés helye | Uzhgorod University Scientific Herald 41 (2017) 39 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics Materials Science and Analytics |
Authors | Zayachuk D. M., Slynko V. E., Csik A. |
Megjelenés helye | Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics 9 (2017) 5034 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Materials Science and Analytics |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Vacuum |
Year of publication | 2001 |
Page | 297 |
Volume | 61 |
Hivatkozó | Csik A. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Szerzői Táblázat
Total | Headed by ATOMKI under name of the author |
Part of the author | Part of the author & ATOMKI | |
Publications: | 315 | 277 | 34.895 | 28.153 |
SCIPublications: | 97 | 78 | 8.791 | 7.364 |
Cited publications: | 92 | 69 | 8.352 | 5.736 |
Non-locally cited publications: | 91 | 69 | 8.324 | 5.736 |
Cited SCIpublications: | 74 | 57 | 5.942 | 4.766 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications: | 73 | 57 | 5.915 | 4.766 |
SCICited publications: | 88 | 67 | 7.144 | 5.611 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications: | 87 | 67 | 7.116 | 5.611 |
SCICited SCIpublications: | 73 | 57 | 5.859 | 4.766 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications: | 72 | 57 | 5.831 | 4.766 |
Citations: | 393 | 293 | 29.361 | 21.3 |
Non-local citations: | 386 | 288 | 28.872 | 20.923 |
SCICitations: | 393 | 293 | 29.361 | 21.3 |
Non-local SCIcitations: | 296 | 221 | 22.214 | 16.733 |
Impact~2017: | 204.439 | 178.562 | 34.895 | 28.153 |
Averaged impact: | 0.649 | 0.645 | 34.895 | 28.153 |
SCIaveraged impact: | 1.929 | 2.12 | 8.791 | 7.364 |
Citational effectivity: | 4.272 | 4.246 | 8.352 | 5.736 |
Non-local citational effectivity: | 4.242 | 4.174 | 8.324 | 5.736 |
SCIcitational effectivity: | 3.409 | 3.328 | 7.144 | 5.611 |
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity: | 3.402 | 3.299 | 7.116 | 5.611 |
Publications, n: | 5.384 | 5.326 | 0 | 0 |
SCIPublications, n: | 6.32 | 6.359 | 0 | 0 |
Cited publications, n: | 6.187 | 6.29 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited publications, n: | 6.2 | 6.29 | 0 | 0 |
Cited SCIpublications, n: | 6.459 | 6.561 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n: | 6.479 | 6.561 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited publications, n: | 6.227 | 6.328 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n: | 6.241 | 6.328 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited SCIpublications, n: | 6.479 | 6.561 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n: | 6.5 | 6.561 | 0 | 0 |
z-index: | 9 | 8 | 0 | 0 |